Eye Care News that you can use

February 10, 2016

Stop eye drop wastage! If you have a hard time putting drops in your eyes, here are some great tips.

Don’t let those eye drops run down your face! Learn the best way to apply them. …read more Source:: All About Vision       
February 4, 2016

Which is better for eye health: flaxseed oil or fish oil? Learn the pros and cons of each.

Flaxseed oil and fish oil may help improve dry eyes. But which is better? …read more Source:: All About Vision       
January 29, 2016

Insurance data reveals the six groups most likely to have the cornea-thinning disease keratoconus. Are you at risk?

Being Latino is one risk factor. Having asthma is another. …read more Source:: All About Vision       
January 22, 2016

Ditch the itch! Don’t rub those itchy eyes – that can make them worse. Instead, see your eye care practitioner.

Your eye care practitioner can find the cause of your itchy eyes and prescribe the best treatment. …read more Source:: All About Vision       
January 20, 2016

Learn what snow blindness is and how to avoid this painful, scary eye condition.

Protecting your eyes from sunlight is important even in winter! Here’s why you don’t want to be snowblind. …read more Source:: All About Vision       
January 15, 2016

You’ve heard a lot about blue light from digital devices. Can it harm our eyes? Here’s what we know.

7 key points about blue light. …read more Source:: All About Vision       
January 4, 2016

On-the-sidelines eye-tracking test may detect concussion faster than ever. (Watch the video for details.)

Athletes in rough sports are at risk for concussion. Eye-tracking can determine quickly if they need to leave the game. …read more Source:: All About Vision […]
December 23, 2015

Flying champagne corks are super-dangerous for eyes. Here’s a great video that will help you open sparkling beverages safely!

Holiday beverage-opening can be risky, but this video can help. …read more Source:: All About Vision       
November 20, 2015

You won’t believe some of the items on this year’s Worst Toys list. Some can cause significant injuries to eyes and other body parts.

Toys to avoid: The 2015 W.A.T.C.H. list. …read more Source:: All About Vision